5 Tips on Maintaining Mental Health During COVID-19

Top Five Tips on Maintaining Mental Health During the Pandemic

While we’re continuously inundated with daily COVID-19 news updates, urged to stay inside or wear protective personal equipment, and state-wide business shutdowns get extended through May, the nation keeps working on preserving physical safety. However, one’s mental health must be factored into pandemic guidelines as well.

Some messaging around a quarantined lifestyle urges people to pick up a new hobby, finish a manuscript they’ve shelved or learn how to cook something new every night. These suggestions may be inspirational, but they can potentially impart added pressure to those who are not feeling motivated during this crisis.

It’s important to embrace whatever state you find yourself in, and cope with the trauma of the novel Coronavirus on your own personalized terms. Here are some tips on how to maintain your mental well-being in such an uncertain time.


One sure way to garner some normalcy during this crisis, and reclaim control, is abiding a set schedule while in quarantine.

“’In order for our minds to function at maximum efficiency, we must have order and stability, and right now it’s harder than ever to have either.’ ‘Simple habits that we may have previously done—making the bed, blow drying our hair—are simple activities we can do to remind our brain that life is still going on despite the interruptions we are facing,’” Erin Wiley, MA, LPCC, is a clinical psychotherapist and executive director of The Willow Center, told Healthline.

Going to bed and waking up at the same time throughout the week, making the coffee, and reading the morning news as if you were going to work, or conducting life as you did prior to the pandemic can lend structure and temper anxiety. But be mindful of how much news you’re reading.

Minimize Information Overload

While being informed during a global crisis is necessary for staying attuned with the severity of the situation, safety guidelines and relief developments—it will benefit your peace of mind to shirk your intake of alarming statistics. This may present a challenge since we’ve become so dependent on our screens while sheltering in place, yet it’s essential to keep a handle on exposure to digital information.

“Try to reduce how much you watch, read or listen to news that makes you feel anxious or distressed. Seek the latest information at specific times of the day, once or twice a day if needed,” as suggested by World Health Organization.

it is important, however, to take advantage of our devices so to stay connected with loved ones and combat any negative effects of being in isolation.


Any physician will encourage you to stay active in order to keep a healthy mindset. Exercise releases endorphins, ones that are all the more crucial during a crisis.

“Many online workout sources are offering free access or longer free trial periods during this time, which might be worth looking into. But again, anything that gets your heart pumping or builds muscle is excellent for both physical and mental health,” Forbes reported.

If working out in your living room just won’t suffice, take the workout outdoors! You need the fresh air.

Get Outside

Despite any fear that’s been attached to venturing outside during the pandemic, getting oxygen outside of your home is key to elevating your mental health—while being mindful of social distancing. Being in nature, even if it’s a walk around the city block, can do wonders for your state of mind.

“’Studies have proven that even the smallest bit of nature — a single tree, a small patch of flowers, a house plant — can generate health benefits,’ said Kathleen Wolf, a UW research social scientist in the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. ‘Look closely in your neighborhood, and the bit of nature you may have taken for granted up until now may become the focus of your attention and help you feel better,’” according to UW News.

Practice gratitude

This may be the most crucial one on the list. With so much uncertainty before us, restrictions and devastating loss, it is easy to slip into a state of mental duress. Like any other time in life, now presents the opportunity to manipulate your outlook to see the good. It’s there if you practice gratitude: for your health, your home, your loved ones, your resources and a healthy state of mind.

5 Mental Health Apps to Try Out

Headspace (free): https://www.headspace.com

Helps with stress

Calm: https://www.calm.com

Helps with relaxing and sleep

Offtime : https://offtime.app

And app that will help you stay off your phone

Couch to 5k : https://www.c25kfree.com

If you need help learning how to workout 

Shine : https://join.shinetext.com

If you need a good pep talk