Benefit Administration

EBI’s Benefits Administration System keeps all the forms together allowing you to spend less time on enrollment and more time preparing for your new job. Everything is done electronically allowing for a much smoother transition for you and your employer.

Making it less overwhelming

Learning about the benefits can be exciting and overwhelming. Keeping track of everything can cause you to lose or forget information along the way. Your personal information also comes into concern with a new job. The paperwork you fill out cannot be misplaced. EBI’s Benefits Administration system manages your entire portfolio of benefits and insurance policies; medical, dental and visual.

Less Hassle

By using up-to-date technology, paper forms will no longer be a hassle. EBI will help you stay organized amongst the rules, websites, and information you are taking in. Keeping all benefit information on your job safe in one centralized location. We can help make the transition easier for you. No more worrying about what page of information is where; you can come to us and one of our trustworthy advisors who are an extension to your HR department at work, and obtain the answers you need with no struggle.

A Smooth Road

Your transition into the job should be smooth with no bumps in the road. All of the information from sick/vacation days to 401K or tear drop are all safe with our system. Your move into the job will be simple. Focusing on your students, the classroom, and lesson plans should be your focus.

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